August 3rd, 2024 @ 2pm, Mont-Royal station

For the 10th annual Montreal Trans March, we’re exploring the improbable, the seemingly impossible: a world in which we are all free to thrive. In these uncertain times, fueled primarily by a manufactured yet global wave anti-trans hate, we’re marching for our futures – uncertain futures, for sure, but ones filled with joy, beauty and eternal solidarity.

WE REFUSE to be the object of assured destruction at the hands of deaf-eared conservative governments! WE REFUSE the anti-trans policies of the Legault government and wannabe-prime-minister Poilievre; we refuse the state “guardianship” of our bodies and our destinies!

WE DEMAND a future in which no one is prejudiced because of their transness, a future in which every trans person can put their feet anywhere in the universe, without having to look behind their shoulders every five seconds, without having to calculate the streets they have to take.

WE IMAGINE a future in which history books look back, with disappointment, on the anti-trans movement that shook the Western empire, states, and entities under its grips in the 2020s; a future in which justice reigns supreme, in which the humanity of all is unconditionally respected no matter what.

WE BELIEVE in a future in which every trans person – whether a comp-scientist, a cashier, a sex worker, or currently on leave from work – can live in freedom, without fear that their lives will be criminalized; a world in which where you were born will not determine whether you are allowed to express your transness or not.

WE DREAM of a future in which trans people everywhere – whether in Quebec, Florida, Congo, Sudan, Russia, France or Palestine – are free and liberated.


This is a march, not a parade! Though, we are also committed to making this march accessible to families, to the youngest and the oldest among us.

Invite all your friends!

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